Great article on Urban Fantasy by Daniel Abraham. Specifically, the unwritten, yet understood limits of the female protagonist. Very thought provoking.
Nanowrimo! No, I'll do a post tomorrow on that. But this post by Chuck Wendig had me in stitches.
N.K. Jemisin's The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Speaking of The Knight Agency, they've got a great giveaway happening today. One of the benefits of not having a huge following is that I can tell you about it without ruining my chances for goodies!
I've been stalking google for uploaded videos from the World Fantasy Convention that took place over this past weekend. My diligence paid off today, when author Blake Charlton put up 4 Videos from the epic fantasy panel.
I'm so excited I couldn't wait to share. Now, if you don't mind, I have to get back to my procrastination!